EHC ❯ Using index increased searching time in 4 times
Status: Resolved
2 Major
Resolution: As Designed
Reporter: 01epa
January 20, 2015
Watchers: 2
February 11, 2015
February 11, 2015
We enabled indexing for search in ehcache accordingly to instruction here
This means that we set allowDynamicIndexing=”true” and added DynamicAttributesExtractor.
But after that we did some tests and checked perfomance. As we found the performance decreased. The search time increased in 4 times.
Debug showed that DynamicAttributesExtractor called not only once (before put or update as said in docs) but also every time during search for every object. It absolutely not clear what is wrong and how DynamicAttributesExtractor may help with quick search if it decreases permfomance.
This is an unfortunate consequence of search being implemented in a brute force way in OpenSource Ehcache. This means that attributes have to be extracted when search queries run.